16th Asia-Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Melbourne

This important meeting on clinical microbiology and infectious diseases offers a unique opportunity for clinicians, scientists, researchers, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals working in the Asia Pacific region to meet international experts from various parts of the world. The programme will include presentations on antibiotic stewardship and antimicrobial resistance, infection prevention and control, public health, mycobacterial diseases, virology including HIV, hepatology, parasitology, bacteriology including diagnostics and vaccines.

Plenary Speakers
· Dr Katie Flanagan, Australia
· Dr Susan Huang, United States
· Dr Jeanette Teo, Singapore

Keynote Speakers
· Prof Stephan Harbarth, Switzerland
· Prof Edward Holmes, Australia
· Prof Ben Howden, Australia
· Prof Paul Johnson, Australia
· Prof Sharon Lewin, Australia
· Prof David Paterson, Australia
· Prof Linfa Wang, Australia
· Prof Michael Yeaman, USA

To view the programme, please click HERE.

In addition to the three plenary sessions, eight keynotes sessions and eighteen symposium sessions three pre-congress workshops have been scheduled including:

· Bringing EUCAST to Asia
· Whole Genome Sequencing
· Antimicrobial Stewardship

Meeting Registration
Click HERE to register.  Full meeting registration includes:

· Entry to Scientific Sessions on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 
· Entry to Congress Exhibition
· Industry Sessions
· Morning, Afternoon Teas and Lunches
· Welcome Reception (Wednesday 30 November)




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