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26 March 2015

Introducing: The Best of EAU15


Featuring a five-day scientific programme packed with high-level sessions and attended by over 12,000 participants, the 30th Anniversary edition of the Annual EAU Congress was a great success. Key opinion leaders from all over the world came together in Madrid to discuss the latest research in the field of urology.

In the new series The Best of EAU15 we will keep you updated on the best that the 30th Anniversary EAU Congress had to offer. We kick off with Sigrid Carlsson of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, about her work refining the way patients are tested for prostate cancer.

Do you want to know more about the latest developments presented at EAU15?

You can relive the congress by visiting the EAU15 Resource Centre. As a delegate you can log in with the barcode on your Congress Badge to catch up with those sessions you missed. For those who couldn't join us in Madrid, it is possible to access all scientific content of EAU15 by buying access to the Resource Centre.

For €49 (EAU Members) or €89 (non-Members) you can review over 4,000 items of scientific content, ranging from webcasts, (e-)posters and abstracts to videos and presentations. Once you select an item, you will be prompted to log in and, if necessary, purchase access.

  • You can use the same credentials to view EAU15 content on UROsource, the EAU learning library for urologists.


The European Association of Urology is a non-profit organisation, which works to advance urology and support medical professionals practising in this field.

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EAU - European Association of Urology, Amthausgasse 6, 3011 Bern, Switzerland | +31 (0)26 389 0680

EAU 2015