As you may know (most) citizens from your country are required to have a VISA to access the UK to be able to visit the annual congress of the European Association of Urology in London (24-28 March 2017). Your members can check this via the website of the UK government whether they actually do need a one via:

Please note that VISA is to be obtained via an online-process only. Be sure that the members of your society are aware that they need to ensure that their documents are correct and complete before they commence their journey. Delegates of the EAU17 congress must register for the event beforeapplying for a VISA. Following their congress registration, they will receive a link to download the invitation letter for VISA application purposes. Please note that congress registration opens 1 October. Please keep in mind that a visa application may take some time to be processed (take 3 months into account). Apply for the visa early on to ensure its approval before the congress begins. Check the guide processing times to find out how long getting a visa might take in the country one is applying from.

If your members require a link to the invitation letter template or in case they require a customized letter of invitation they should contact the EAU Registration Department. For more information on visa requirements and application, your members can visit the website of the UK Visas & Immigration.

Meanwhile we have tried to get in touch with the UK Minister of State for Immigration to see if we can help the process but without success so far. Of course we will keep trying! We just wanted you to be aware of the process and that we welcome any suggestions from your side to help your members obtain the much needed VISA to come to our congress in London.

Best regards,

Astrid Driessen-Venhorst

Coordinator International Relations

European Association of Urology

PO Box 30016

6803 AA Arnhem

The Netherlands

T +31 (0)26 389 0680

M + 31(0)612 73 77 78

F +31 (0)26 389 0674

Skype: Astrid Venhorst