ISC Journals

The Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance (JGAR) has just recently been accepted by Thomson and beginning with V. 1 (1) 2013, will be indexed and abstracted in:
  • Science Citation Index Expanded
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
The Journal will receive its first Impact Factor (IF) in 2016 which will be the 2015 IF based on articles published in 2013 and 2014 and cited in 2015.  

ISC Working Groups

Please see relevent links below for latest ISC Working Group News -
For information on all ISC Working Groups please the Working Groups section of our website, 

It is with the greatest of sadness that we announce the passing of two esteemed colleagues, William Alexander Craig and Ethan Rubinstein.  Our deepest condolences to all family, friends and colleagues.
William Alexander Craig
Bill Craig, a member of the journal’s International Advisory Board, died from complications of lymphoma on March 11, 2015 aged 75.  William Alexander Craig was born in 1939.  His first university degree was in mathematics which served him well when he later developed expertise, and international recognition, in PK/PD studies. He graduated in medicine at Tufts Medical School in Boston and then moved to the University of Wisconsin in Madison where he completed his internships following which he was drafted into the US Army as a medical officer leaving as a Major.  Following military service he returned to Madison to appointments at the VA Hospital, where he became chief of infectious diseases, and also at the University of Wisconsin. Bill had many interests in infectious diseases but his primary research programme was in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.  His research output was immense and there were few international congresses where he was not an active participant. He was active in the organization of ICAAC, serving as chairman of the programme committee.  We last met him at the 2014 ICAAC meeting in Washington DC.
Ethan Rubinstein
The world-renowned Israeli-Canadian doctor and academic Dr Ethan Rubinstein, died recently on 29th January 2015. Ethan was born in British Palestine in 1941 and received his medical degree from the University of Basel in Switzerland in 1968.  He later received a law degree from Tel Aviv University in 1985 after which he moved to Canada, settling in Winnipeg where he was head of infectious diseases at the Health Sciences Centre and a respected faculty member at the University of Manitoba. Ethan’s great research focuses included; influenza, vaccination, MRSA, anthrax, and chronic pulmonary disease; he is particularly noted for his study of the H1N1 and other influenza vaccines. Ethan famously attended the trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961 and later served in the medical corps of the Israeli army. One of the men involved in capturing Eichmann in Argentina asked Ethan to participate in a similar effort to locate Josef Mengele in the 1970s; however, the effort was aborted because it was suspected to be a trap.
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Working Group News

Antimicrobials of the Future

Through the Working Group, the ISC is involved and engaged with stakeholder groups in the field of antibacterial stewardship for old and future new antibiotics through the IMI (Innovative Medicine Initiative) project DRIVE-AB in the ND4BB program.  IMI is a public-private partnership between the EU and EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations). DRIVE-AB is developing new economic models to incentivise antibiotic discovery and development activities while safeguarding the efficacy of antibiotics by researching and advocating their appropriate use.  For further information on IMI project DRIVE-AB please contact Ursula Theuretzbacher

Immunisations and Vaccines

Recent Presentations and Activities: 
Atef Shibl will be presenting results on Enterobacteriaceae from Saudi Arabia at the ECCMID 2015 meeting in Copenhagen. Serhat Unal will be teaching at the ESCMID Summer School in July 2015. Ron Dagan was the organizer of the 2.5 days vaccine workshop on indirect effects of vaccines, hosted in Lisbon by ESCMID, and he has given >15 presentation for ESPID, ECCMID, and others, and has recently published around 15 papers on vaccination.

Other initiatives: Pavla Krizova remains very active in the area of meningococcal infection both locally in the Czech Republic and globally. Walerie Hryniewiecz: “Dealing with patients with suspected severe infection in the hospital emergency department”. Nobuhiko Okabe renewed the commitment to fight against communicable diseases at the 2nd Nikkei Asian Conference in January 2015: “The Okinawa Communicable Disease Statement 2015”. Pablo Bonvehi: Inicitiva Global para el Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina en pacientes hospitalizados con neumonía de la comunidad (Proyect GLIMP) of the Sociedad Argentina de Infectología. Carla Vizzotti: The Ministry of Health of Argentina has inaugurated in February 2015 “Vacunatorio Amigable”.

Infection Prevention and Control
The ISC WG on Infection Prevention and Control is currently in the process of writing up a publication on the Ebola Checklist that was developed based on ICA's (Infection Control Association Singapore) checklist.  More than 180 responses from 45 countries were received; a good start for the first project of the WG.   Presently the group are reviewing proposals for a follow-up project: one on endoscope reprocessing, the other on environmental cleaning.  Both will be discussed at the next WG meeting during ECCMID (Copenhagen) and ICPIC (Geneva).
New members to the WG are welcome and may apply via any of the officers. Further details may be found on the WG’s temporary website HERE


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