Regarding the war in Ukraine
Information for students, staff and others
The Russian invasion of Ukraine threatens international peace and security and violates international law and the European security order. Lund University stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian higher education institutions.
This page was last updated on: 17 March 2022
Lund University is monitoring the course of events in Ukraine and the government’s management of the situation. The information on this page is continuously updated.
Staff members – see more information on the Staff Pages
Prospective students affected by the war in Ukraine – see our FAQs
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Lund University in solidarity with Ukraine
Support for students and staff
You can make a difference
Other humanitarian initiatives
Lund University in solidarity with Ukraine
Lund University is part of a universal community of higher education institutions and researchers that share academic values. We stand for academic freedom, freedom of speech and democracy. Student exchanges are extremely important for peace and democracy.
The fact that we are now leaving collaborations that are based on these principles shows the serious situation that Ukraine is now facing and which by extension also threatens the University’s core values, as well as democracy and freedom.
Collaborations are suspended with immediate effect
At a press conference on 2 March, the Minister for Education called on all higher education institutions in Sweden to immediately discontinue all collaborations with state institutions in Russia and Belarus.
In view of the government’s urgent request, the University is now reviewing all agreements with Russia and Belarus, and is immediately suspending all existing organised collaborations with Russian and Belarusian state institutions until further notice.
The Government encourages Swedish higher education institutions and research funders to stop cooperating with state institutions in Russia and Belarus –
At the same time, the University is also to review how we can receive researchers, academics and students from Ukraine in the long term. Lund University also collaborates with the organisation Scholars at Risk, which is involved in receiving researchers and academics who are under threat.
Collaboration agreements for research
The affected institutions in Russia and Belarus are gradually being informed. The University has around 20 collaboration agreements within research that are now suspended, but there may be more. Ongoing collaborations between researchers at the individual level may continue, but security policy aspects should be taken into account.
Collaboration agreements for education
Four ongoing student exchange agreements with higher education institutions in Russia are now suspended. These agreements are managed by External Relations and the faculties concerned.
Support for students and staff
Many students and staff members are worried and deeply concerned, in some cases directly and personally, by the war and human suffering we are now seeing. The University therefore offers help and support to all affected students and staff.
How to manage anxiety – tips from the Student Health Centre and Occupational Health Service
You can make a difference
Both within and outside the University, there is great interest to help students and staff members who have been affected by the war in Ukraine. You now have the opportunity to donate money to Lund University’s initiative: 'the Lund University support programme for students and staff affected by the situation in Ukraine'.
All support is valuable and your contribution makes a difference!
Send your donation marked 'Ukraine' via Swish 1230299719 or bank giro 830-6599.
Other humanitarian initiatives
Many staff members and students are calling for humanitarian initiatives. Lund University’s overall initiatives are based on its core activities and work on reviewing existing collaborations, as well as possibilities for the University to open up the organisation more for Ukrainian students, academics and researchers.
Staff members and students who want to get involved are encouraged primarily to turn to the established organisations engaged in aid initiatives. There is of course the possibility for everyone to create local initiatives in the way that works best in the organisation to show their support and provide help.