The University of Gothenburg shows solidarity with Ukraine

University of Gothenburg
“The government and institutions around the world strongly condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine and we agree”, says Vice-chancellor Eva Wiberg.

”As a university, we stand up for democracy, freedom of expression and human rights. We are now closely following the initiatives taken in the Swedish university sector. My rector colleagues within Eutopia, of which the University of Gothenburg is a member, condemned the invasion in a joint statement on Sunday”.

Due to the war in Ukraine, the Vice-chancellor yesterday called deans, the chief librarian as well as the student representative to an extra management council meeting.

“The meeting was about how we at the University of Gothenburg can act together and can take advantage of various initiatives that are raised and how we act as an employer”, says Eva Wiberg.

The university is now mapping out the collaborations and agreements that exist with Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.